A Fairy Tale Not Meant for Kids

Once upon a time, there lived a bunny. This bunny was somewhat 'unlucky' because he got kicked out of his burrow and got sent to the coldest place in the world where his bushy tail will fall off in the freaking cold. For quite some time this bunny was cursing his maker of his misfortune until one day, he met a bear.

The bunny took an instant liking towards the bear and things got off to a good start. For the first time since getting sent to Gods Hell on Earth, the bunny was feeling happy and it was mostly thanks to the bear. They had all sorts of adventures together. They went to cities. They went to islands. They went to beaches. They even stayed in burrows and caves together.

This bear was a caring yet fierce bear but because of the bears fierceness, this bunny got scared at times and irritated. However, the bears hard love eventually turned that bunny into a happier, healthier and more hygienic bunny. Thing were looking good for the two however, just like other fairy tales, things always take a turn towards the worst.

The bunny was never the perfect bunny that the bear thought of and the bear was well aware of this. The bear tried changing the bunny and it worked for sometime until the bunny made a very big mistake. A very big mistake, one that should have never been made. The bunny broke the bears heart and the bear was very disappointed. The bunny tried his best to win the bear back but all the bunnys efforts were in vain. The bunny however managed to salvage very little of that relationship and keep things going but at the end of the day, it's a decision that is up to the bear.

The bunny knew that deep down inside, the bunny could change. The bunny could be a better bunny. A more loving bunny. A bunny that would give the bear all the love, respect and loyalty in the world if only the bunny was given a shot at it. The bunny knew that it would be a very hard task but the bunny will succeed. The bunny knew that for a fact.

The bunny wishes that the bear could look into the bunnys heart and see how sorry the bunny is for what the bunny did. How the bunny wishes that the bear could look at how sincere the bunny is at working and rebuilding all that the bunny destroyed. The bunny wishes that the bear could see how terrible the bunny is without the bear. His whiskers untrimmed, his claws long, his fuzzy paws dirty, his eyes sad, his face tired, his mind a mess. All day the only thing the bunny thinks of his the scent of the bear, the smile, the hugs, the kisses, the times shared together and what the future may hold for his bunny and bear.

One day, the bear tells the bunny that her heart is beyond repair and there's nothing the bunny can do. Everything the bunny does is meaningless now. Nothing seems to have value. Nothing seems worth it anymore and nothing is appealing. The bunny couldn't live with himself for the things he has done.

As the pavement gets closer and closer, all the bunny could think of was how he wished that he could turn back the hands of time to a better time and stop himself from committing those horrible deeds. But alas, all is gone. The wind through his bunny ears gives him a feeling of redemption for all the sins he has committed. His heart however is burdened with guilt and hatred for himself. One last look at the pavement above his bunny head, he closes his eyes with his fuzzy bunny paws and in a second, the bunny is no more.


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