Selamat Hari Raya

The title of the post speaks for itself but no harm in saying it again. Selamat Hari Raya to those who celebrate it and to those who don't, I know know what's wrong with you. We're all Malaysians. The more the merrier. No harm in helping make someones day better.

Yesterday night was a really interesting night for me. Nearly everyone was on the phone talking to their families and loved ones. The rest was just helping out with the preparations for today. The atmosphere in the hostel was a totally different one compared to other days when everyone will just in front of their laptops and watch movies. I've got to say that I enjoyed it very much. A bunch of guys came to my room and we watched a Thai horror movie. The thing about Thai horror movies is that they don't make sense most of the time but they never fail to keep you on the edge of your seat. But if they learn to run like the wind every now and then, not to look into places that they're not supposed to and remember that there's always safety in numbers, I think the fatality rate will drop significantly. Dumbasses. I really enjoyed watching that movie. Not just because of the movie but because it's been awhile since my friends and I have done that.

Waking up today, the hostel seemed pretty quiet which was strange because previous Rayas used to cause so much noise pollution that I think even Malaysia was affected. As I sat in front of my laptop, I realized that it could be because most of them were at the embassy already. It was a cold gloomy day but the embassy was radiating so much warmth. It was nice seeing Michelle there and a bunch of people that I've not met in a long time. I really enjoyed catching up with everyone of them. Unfortunately, I can't remember half of the people that walked up to me today. It's not that I'm a snob or anything like that. I'm just very bad with names. I really am. But I do try :-( Anyone got any special remedies for this?

The highlight of the day was the party that we had today in the hostel. The food was good and it's actually nice seeing all of them in one place at the same time. I found myself sitting in a corner while watching everyone joke around and laugh. I got lost in the moment and in my own thoughts. For the slightest of moments, I forgot about all my problems and that I was in Russia. A friend caught me daydreaming and I was pulled into one of their pranks.

I have a fever right now and I doubt that I'll be heading off to the university tomorrow. But I've got to say that I enjoyed Raya this year compared to the previous years for some reason. I just wish I could get the same atmosphere for Christmas :-(


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